Wednesday 21 November 2012



  1. An e-mail is way to communicate with your friends or family members’ etc living around the world .You can use the internet to send an e-mail. You can attach a lot of stuff such as documents, images, videos, letters etc.
  2. If you’re sending an e-mail to a person it undergoes the same process as a letter.  when a letter is send it goes to different postal stations to find the right one .when a e-mail is send it passes from computer to another in the process called mail server .when the e-mail has reached the destination it is stored in the electronic device called the inbox. Its stored there till the owner looks at his      e-mail.
  3. You’ll need an internet address and an e-mail id to send an e-mail. the two protocol (software) are :
    •  MIME-Multi-purpose internet mail extension is the full form of MIME. You can send formatted images, documents, videos etc.
    • SMTP- Simple Mail Transfer protocol. This software helps you to find the persons e-mail address.
  4. MIME helps you send more than just few words of text, it  also  helps you send  pictures ,videos, documents etc


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